At Code Pharmacy LLC, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you use the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app. By using our app, you agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy aims to inform you about the types of information we collect, how we use it, and the measures we take to protect it. Specifically, this policy aims to:

By understanding our privacy practices, you can make informed decisions about your personal information and its use within the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app.

By downloading, installing, and using the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any part of this policy, you should not use the app.

1.1 Consent: Your continued use of the app constitutes your consent to our collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

1.2 Updates to the Policy: We may update this Privacy Policy occasionally. We will notify you of any significant changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on our app or website and updating the "Effective Date" at the end of this policy. Your continued app use after such updates signifies your acceptance of the revised policy.

1.3 Communication: If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please use the information provided at the end of this policy to contact us.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of this policy, please discontinue using the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app immediately.


2.1 Twilio Account Information

To provide the core functionality of Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts, we must collect and store specific information related to your Twilio account. This information is essential for enabling calls and texts through the app.

Account SID: The Twilio Account SID (Service Identifier) is a unique identifier assigned to your Twilio account. We collect your Account SID to authenticate and link your Twilio account with the Mango app. This allows the app to access and manage your Twilio resources for making calls and sending texts.

Purpose: To authenticate your Twilio account and facilitate managing your Twilio resources through the app.

Twilio Phone Number: We may collect your phone number to verify and facilitate your app use.


3.1 Device Information

To provide and improve the Mango—Twilio Calls & Texts app, we automatically collect certain information about the devices you use to access it. This information helps us understand how the app is used and ensures compatibility across different devices.

Types of Device Information Collected:

Device Model: The specific model of your device (e.g., iPhone 12).

Operating System: The operating system version running on your device (e.g., iOS 14.4).

Device Identifier: A unique identifier for your device (e.g., IDFA - Identifier for Advertisers).

Hardware Specifications: Details about the device's hardware, such as screen size and processor type.

Purpose: To ensure the app is optimized for different devices and operating systems, diagnose and fix technical issues, and improve the overall user experience by understanding how the app interacts with various hardware and software environments.

3.2 Usage Data

We collect information about how you interact with the Mango app. This data helps us understand user behavior and preferences, allowing us to enhance the app's features and functionality.

Types of Usage Data Collected:

App Interactions: Information about your interactions with the app, such as the features you use and the screens you visit.

Session Information: Details about your app sessions, including session duration, frequency of use, and time spent on different screens.

Crash Reports: Data related to app crashes or errors, including the conditions under which the crash occurred and any error messages generated.

Purpose: To analyze user behavior and preferences, identify and fix bugs or performance issues, and improve app features and design based on user interaction patterns.

3.3 Telemetry Deck Analytics

We utilize Telemetry Deck for analytics collection to gain insights into how the Mango app is used and to ensure its continuous improvement. The data collected through the Telemetry Deck is used to analyze app performance and user engagement.

Types of Analytics Collected:

Usage Metrics: Data on how frequently users interact with specific app features.

Performance Metrics: Information on app performance, such as load times, responsiveness, and crash rates.

Engagement Metrics: Data on user engagement, including session length, retention rates, and user flow through the app.

Purpose: To monitor and analyze app performance and user engagement, identify areas for improvement, enhance app functionality, and ensure a high-quality user experience.

3.4 Anonymity of Data

The analytics data collected through Telemetry Deck is anonymized to protect your privacy. We do not collect personally identifiable information (PII) through our analytics platform.

3.5 Data Anonymization

Removal of Identifiers: All data collected is stripped of any personally identifiable information before it is analyzed.

Aggregation of Data: Data is aggregated to provide insights into general usage patterns rather than individual user behavior.

Purpose: To protect your privacy while gaining valuable insights into app usage, comply with data protection regulations and best practices, and ensure that analytics data cannot be traced back to individual users.

By collecting device information, usage data, and anonymized analytics through Telemetry Deck, we aim to continuously improve the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app while safeguarding your privacy.


4.1 Providing and Improving Services

We use the information we collect to deliver and enhance the functionality of Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts. This includes:

Providing Core Features: Using your Twilio Account SID to enable calling and texting services through the app. Ensuring seamless integration with Twilio's API to facilitate communication.

App Optimization: Using device information and usage data to ensure the app runs smoothly across various devices and operating systems and identifying and resolving technical issues to improve app performance and reliability.

Feature Enhancements: Analyzing user interactions to identify popular features and areas for improvement and developing new features and functionalities based on user feedback and usage patterns.

4.2 Billing and Subscription Management

We use payment information and related details to manage your subscription and process transactions. This includes:

Subscription Activation: Use your payment information to activate your Mango—Twilio Calls & Texts subscription. Manage your subscription preferences and ensure continuous access to app services.

Billing and Payments: Processing payments for weekly or quarterly subscription plans, Handling billing cycles, and sending billing-related communications, such as receipts and payment confirmations.

Fraud Prevention: Verify your payment information to prevent fraudulent transactions and Implement security measures to protect against unauthorized access to billing information.

4.3 Analytics and Research

We use anonymized data from Telemetry Deck and other sources for analytics and research. This includes:

Usage Analysis: Analyzing how users interact with the app to understand usage patterns and preferences and Identifying trends and insights to inform future app development and feature enhancements.

Performance Monitoring: Monitoring app performance metrics, such as load times and crash rates, to ensure a high-quality user experience. Researching to identify potential improvements and innovations for the app.

User Engagement: Measuring user engagement and retention rates to evaluate the app's effectiveness and Using data-driven insights to create a better user experience and enhance user satisfaction.

4.4 Security and Fraud Prevention

We use the information we collect to protect the security and integrity of Mango-Twilio calls & Texts. This includes:

Data Security: Implement technical and organizational measures to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse.

Fraud Detection: Monitoring app usage and transaction data to detect and prevent fraudulent activities and using advanced security technologies to identify and mitigate potential security threats.

Compliance with Legal Obligations: Ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to data protection and privacy, responding to legal requests, and cooperating with regulatory authorities as required.


While we do not share your data with third parties, we use third-party analytics services to improve and enhance the functionality of Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts. These analytics providers, such as Telemetry Deck, help us understand app usage and performance. All data collected through these services is anonymous and used solely for analytical purposes.

5.1 Telemetry Deck

Role: Telemetry Deck is an analytics service provider that helps us collect and analyze usage data to understand how the app is being used and to improve its performance.

Data Shared: Anonymized usage data, including app interactions, performance, and engagement metrics.

Purpose: To gain insights into user behavior, monitor app performance, and identify areas for improvement while ensuring user data remains anonymous and secure.

5.2 Legal Requirements

We may disclose your information if required by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g., a court or government agency).

Compliance with Laws: Subpoenas, court orders, other legal processes, regulatory requirements, and law enforcement requests.

5.3 Business Transfers

Your information may be transferred to the new owners or partners involved in a business transaction, such as a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets.

Mergers and Acquisitions: Transfer user information to another company as part of a merger or acquisition.

Sales and Asset Transfers: Transfer of user information as part of a sale of assets or business operations.

Bankruptcy or Similar Proceedings: Transfer of user information in the event of bankruptcy or similar legal proceedings.

5.4 With Consent

We may share your information with third parties with your explicit consent.

Types of Consent-Based Sharing

User-Requested Services: Sharing information with third parties to provide services or features you have specifically requested.

Promotional Activities: Sharing information for marketing or promotional purposes when you have opted to receive such communications.

Surveys and Research: Sharing information for participation in surveys, studies, or research projects with your consent.


We take the security of your personal information very seriously and implement comprehensive measures to protect it from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

  1. Technical Measures

Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems: We use firewalls and intrusion detection systems to protect our servers and networks from unauthorized access and potential threats.

Regular Security Audits: We conduct security audits and assessments to identify and address system vulnerabilities.

Software Updates and Patches: We regularly update our software and systems with the latest security patches to protect against known vulnerabilities.

6.2 Secure Storage Practices

Access Controls: We implement strict access controls to ensure only authorized personnel can access sensitive data.

Data Segmentation: We segment and isolate sensitive data to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

6.3 Access Controls

We implement stringent access controls and monitoring practices to safeguard your personal information further.

User Authentication: We require users to authenticate their identity using their Twilio credentials before accessing the app.

Role-Based Access Control: We implement role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure that employees and partners only have access to the data necessary for their roles.

Activity Logs: We maintain detailed user and system activity logs to monitor suspicious behavior and unauthorized access attempts.

Audit Trails: We use audit trails to track changes and access to sensitive data, enabling us to identify and investigate potential security incidents.

Regular Reviews: We conduct regular reviews of access permissions to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data.

Access Revocation: We promptly revoke access for employees or partners who no longer require it or leave the organization.

6.4 User Security Responsibilities

You are responsible for ensuring that all information you provide to Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts is accurate and up-to-date. This includes your Twilio account credentials and any other necessary details.

Monitor your Twilio account regularly for suspicious activity or unauthorized transactions. It is crucial to keep your Twilio account credentials secure and confidential.

If you suspect your Twilio account credentials have been compromised or notice any discrepancies, contact Twilio support immediately. Although we encourage you to inform our support team, we cannot assist you in resolving issues related to your Twilio account as we need administrative control.

You must contact Twilio support directly if you have any issues with your Twilio account, including compromised credentials, unauthorized transactions, or discrepancies. They are the appropriate entity to handle these matters.


We respect your right to access and update your personal information. You can review, correct, or update the information you provided to us to ensure it is accurate and current.

7.1 Accessing Information:

How to Access: You can access your personal information by logging into the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app and navigating to the account settings section.

Types of Information Accessible: Personal details such as your Account SID, Twilio phone number, subscription details, and payment information.

  1. Updating Information:

How to Update: You can update your personal information directly within the app's account settings. You can contact our support team if you encounter any issues or need assistance.

7.3 Data Removal

In-App Removal: You can easily remove your Twilio credentials through the app settings. This action will effectively terminate your Mango—Twilio Calls & Texts app use.

Contact Support: If you encounter any issues or prefer assistance, you can contact our support team to have them guide you through removing your Twilio credentials from the app.

Effect of Removing Twilio Credentials

Service Discontinuation: Once you remove your Twilio credentials, you can no longer make calls or texts through the Mango app and lose access to its features.

Data Storage: Since we do not save your Auth Token, email addresses, or calls and texts data on our servers, there is no additional personal information or usage data to delete from our systems. All call and text data remain on your device, iCloud account, or Twilio.

7.4 Managing Communication Preferences

We provide options for managing your communication preferences and choosing the types of communications you receive from us.

Types of Communications

Service Notifications: Essential communications related to your account and app usage, such as updates and support messages.

Promotional Communications: Optional communications about new features, promotions, and other app-related news.

How to Manage Preferences

In-App Settings: You can manage your communication preferences through the app's settings. While we do not collect or send emails, we may send push notifications if necessary to provide important updates or information related to the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app.

Effect of Managing Preferences

Continued Service Notifications: Even if you opt out of promotional communications, you will still receive essential service notifications to ensure the app's proper functioning.

Customized Experience: Managing your communication preferences allows you to receive only relevant information.


8.1 Twilio Integration

The Mango—Twilio Calls & Texts app integrates with Twilio to provide calling and texting services, which is essential for the app's core functionality.

Role of Twilio: Twilio is a cloud communications platform that enables the app to send and receive calls and texts.

Data Shared with Twilio: When you use the app, your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token are used to authenticate and facilitate communication through Twilio's API.

Privacy and Security Measures: Twilio implements robust security measures to protect your data, and we ensure compliance with Twilio's data protection policies.

Disclaimer of Liability Related to Twilio

Third-Party Service Responsibility: While we strive to maintain the security and privacy of your data, Twilio operates as a third-party service provider. We are not responsible for any breaches or issues that arise from Twilio's systems.

User Agreement with Twilio: Using the Mango app, you agree to the terms of service and privacy policy. We encourage you to review these documents to understand how Twilio handles your data.

8.2 Links to Other Services

The Mango app may contain links to other websites or services that Code Pharmacy LLC does not operate. These links are provided for convenience, but we do not control or endorse these third-party services.

Nature of Links: The app may include links to external websites, services, or resources that are relevant to users (e.g., support forums and additional tools).

No Endorsement: Inclusion of these links does not imply endorsement or approval by Code Pharmacy LLC.

8.3 Third-Party Privacy Practices

Independent Policies: Third-party services have their privacy policies and terms of use. We are not responsible for these external sites' privacy practices or content.

User Responsibility: We recommend that you review the privacy policies and terms of use of any third-party services you access through the app to understand how they handle your information.


We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to provide you with the services the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app offers and comply with legal obligations.

9.1 Retention Period

Service Duration: We retain your Twilio Account SID and other necessary data for the duration of your app use.

Post-Service Retention: After you stop using the app, we may retain your data for a limited period to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our terms and conditions.

  1. Factors Influencing Retention

Legal Requirements: We retain data to comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as tax and accounting rules.

Business Needs: Data is retained to support business operations, such as maintaining transaction records and providing customer support.

Security and Fraud Prevention: Information may be retained to detect, prevent, or investigate security incidents or fraudulent activities.

9.3 Criteria for Retention

We use specific criteria to determine the appropriate retention periods for different data types.

Type and Sensitivity of Data

Personal Information: Personal data such as contact details and payment information is retained based on its sensitivity and the purpose for which it was collected.

Usage Data: Anonymized usage data may be retained longer for analytics and research purposes.

9.4 User Preferences: If you remove your Twilio credentials and stop using the App, we will delete your personal information in accordance with our data retention policy, subject to any legal obligations.

  1. Legal and Regulatory Obligations

Compliance Requirements: We retain data as necessary to comply with legal obligations, such as record-keeping requirements and responding to lawful requests.


To provide the Mango—Twilio Calls & Texts app services globally, we may transfer your personal information to countries outside your home country, including the United States, where our servers and service providers are. We take steps to ensure that your data is adequately protected when it is transferred internationally.

10.1 Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)

Use of SCCs: We use European Commission-approved Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) as a legal mechanism for transferring personal data from the European Economic Area (EEA) to countries that do not have adequate data protection laws.

Protection Measures: SCCs ensure that transferred data is subject to the same level of protection as it would be within the EEA.

10.2 Privacy Shield Framework (if applicable)

US Transfers: For transfers to the United States, we may rely on service providers certified under the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield frameworks, ensuring that data is protected according to EU standards.

10.3 Compliance with Global Data Protection Regulations

We comply with applicable global data protection regulations to ensure the privacy and security of your personal information during international transfers.

European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR Compliance: For users in the EEA, we comply with the GDPR, which includes requirements for data protection, user rights, and data transfer mechanisms.

Data Subject Rights: GDPR grants users the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing, and object to the processing of their data. It also provides the right to data portability.

10.4 California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

CCPA Compliance: For users in California, we comply with the CCPA, which grants consumers rights regarding their personal information, including the right to know, delete, and opt out of the sale of personal information.

Consumer Rights: We provide mechanisms for California residents to exercise their rights under the CCPA, including submitting requests for information or deletion.

10.5 Other Global Regulations

Compliance with Local Laws: We comply with other applicable data protection laws and regulations in countries where we operate, ensuring that your data is protected regardless of where it is processed or stored.

User Rights: We respect and uphold user rights defined by relevant data protection laws, providing transparency and control over personal information.

10.6 Cross-Border Data Transfers

Data Protection Measures: We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information during cross-border transfers and ensure compliance with global data protection standards.

Ongoing Compliance: We continuously monitor and review our data protection practices to ensure ongoing compliance with evolving laws and regulations.


Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts is not intended for individuals under 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under this age without verifiable parental consent.

11.1 Minimum Age Requirement

Age Restriction: Users must be 18 to use the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app.

Verification: We may take steps to verify the age of users if we have reason to believe a user is underage.

No Collection of Children’s Data: We do not intentionally collect personal information from children under 18. If we become aware that we have inadvertently collected such information, we will take steps to delete it promptly.

11.2 Special Considerations for Minors

While our app is designed for users 18 and older, we recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of minors and are committed to complying with applicable laws regarding children's privacy.

11.3 Parental Involvement

Parental Consent: In the rare event that we need to collect personal information from a minor (e.g., for a specific feature or service), we will obtain verifiable parental consent in accordance with applicable laws.

Parental Rights: Parents have the right to review and request deletion of their child's personal information and to refuse further collection or use of that information.

11.4 Compliance with Children's Privacy Laws

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): For users in the United States, we comply with COPPA, which governs the collection of personal information from children under 13.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)—Children: For users in the European Union, we comply with GDPR provisions regarding collecting personal information from children under 16, requiring parental consent as necessary.

  1. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may occasionally update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices, technologies, legal requirements, and other factors. Given the nature of the changes, we will notify you of any significant changes in an appropriate manner.

12.1 Methods of Notification

In-App Notification: We will notify you of significant changes to our Privacy Policy within the Mango—Twilio Calls & Texts app.

Website Updates: We will post the updated Privacy Policy on our website, and the effective date of the changes will be indicated at the top of the policy.

12.2 Continued Use After Changes

Your continued use of the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app after any changes to this Privacy Policy indicates your acceptance of the updated terms.

Acceptance of Changes

Implicit Consent: By continuing to use the app after we notify you of changes to the Privacy Policy, you agree to the updated terms.

Reviewing Changes: We encourage you to review the updated Privacy Policy to understand the changes and how they may affect you.

12.3 Opt-Out Option

Right to Opt-Out: If you do not agree with the changes to the Privacy Policy, you can discontinue using the Mango app and remove your Twilio credentials from the App.

Account Deletion: You can delete your account directly from the app's settings. This will remove your Twilio credentials from the app, effectively terminating your use of the Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts app.


For any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts or this Privacy Policy, you can reach Code Pharmacy LLC through the following channels:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 (682) 223-4400‬

Address: 3501 Forest Ln, Garland, TX -75042

13.1 Support and Inquiries: Our support team can assist you with technical support and general inquiries related to the app. Please email or phone us for prompt assistance.


These Privacy Policy for Mango - Twilio Calls & Texts are effective as of July 09/ 2024.

Your continued use of the app after the Effective Date constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy, including any updates or modifications by Code Pharmacy LLC.